The FourSight Online platform subscription gives you everything you need to get your team solving problems more efficiently.
Discover your FourSight Thinking Profile. See what stages of the problem-solving process energize you and which ones you may avoid.
See how individual preferences combine in teams across your organization. Advice from FourSight helps teams turn potential friction into high performance collaboration.
Access digital tools to help you clarify, ideate, develop, and implement throughout the year. Use our proprietary Challenge Navigator tool to solve business challenges, following each step of the FourSight Framework.
Deliver FourSight insights to teams throughout your organization with a self-guided Mindset Reveal training.
In our Mindset Reveal training module, see the individual and team results from the FourSight Thinking Profile assessment. Participants learn individual and team preferences for approaching a challenge and opportunities for improved collaboration.
2 hours
In our Team Insights & Tools training module, teams use the FourSight Team Profile to see where they will focus their energy. Participants learn tools to augment strengths and compensate for blind spots.
3 hours
In our Challenge Sprint training module, teams use the FourSight Challenge Navigator to apply FourSight learnings towards solving a real business challenge. Participants work together to clarify the problem, generate ideas, develop a solution, and prepare an action plan.
3 hours
The FourSight Complete certification trains you to understand the science behind the FourSight framework, interpret individual and team Thinking Profiles, and coach individuals and teams on more effective ways to solve problems together. Certification is a great option for:
Contact us today to learn more about our offer and how FourSight can help your teams work better together.
Contact us today to learn more about our offer and how FourSight can help your teams work better together.
The Innovative Team is a business parable that combines practical problem-solving tips with a story that explains how the FourSight framework helps members of a team expand their effectiveness when they learn to appreciate their own thinking profiles. Watch the "book trailer."
"The power of a good story to teach us important life and business lessons is strikingly evident in this enjoyable, realistic, and practical business tale. It's two books in one, really—both a fictional story and a factual tutorial on how you can move a group intentionally through the important stages of innovation. When you read The Innovative Team you'll travel down the path of breakthrough thinking and experience the many twists and turns, ups and downs, detours and speed bumps of a group that's challenged to solve a tough business problem. At the completion of the journey, you'll be treated to a master class in creative problem solving. You'll learn practical tools, valuable tips, and important concepts that you can apply to your own innovative team. It's a must-read for all leaders who want to improve the ways in which their groups find new and sustainable solutions to the ever-increasing challenges that organizations face."
—Jim Kouzes, coauthor, The Leadership Challenge; Dean's Executive Fellow of Leadership, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University
The Innovative Team, co-authored by Chris Grivas and Gerard Puccio, offers a great resource for anyone interested in kick-starting innovation. Read an excerpt.
Contact us today to learn more about our offer and how FourSight can help your teams work better together.
If you'd like to learn more about FourSight before scheduling a call, click below to learn about our platform and the science behind FourSight.