

April 12, 2018

Empowering Young Entrepreneurs: FourSight's Role in Innovation at Oberlin College

I’ve worked as a productive thinking facilitator for most of my professional life—strategy sessions, creative problem-solving workshops, innovation initiatives, conflict resolution, mediation, community engagement, organizational restructuring, and negotiations, from mergers to breakups.
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September 21, 2016

Sheridan College's Journey: Making Creativity a Core Competency with FourSight

A decade into the 21st century,educational leaders at Sheridan College in Ontario, Canada saw the writing on the wall. Technology was eating up routine jobs. The traditional curriculum couldn’t guarantee work. They knew that to make students employable, they would need to teach creative thinking and creative problem
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July 2, 2016

Fostering Innovation: A Case Study of Rich Products

According to the Innovation Network, 88 percent of all organizations have the word “innovation” or “creativity” in their mission statements. But less than 5 percent of those same organizations have programs in place to teach innovation or creativity and make it part of the culture.
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