Last Modified: January 16, 2025
This FourSight Acceptable Use Policy ("FAUP") applies to the use of any product, service or website provided by us (FourSight), whether we provide it directly or use another party to provide it to you (each, a "FourSight Service"). This FAUP is designed to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations that apply to the FourSight Service. This FAUP also protects the interests of all of our clients and their customers, as well as our goodwill and reputation. These terms are so important that we cannot provide the FourSight Service unless you agree to them. By using the FourSight Service, you are agreeing to these terms.
1. Reporting Suspected Violations
3. Proper Usage of the FourSight Service
If you are using any FourSight Service, this FAUP applies to you. Every client of ours agrees to abide by this FAUP and is responsible for any violations. You are not allowed to assist or engage others in a way that would violate this FAUP. We will enforce and ensure compliance with this FAUP by using methods we consider to be appropriate, such as complaint and email failure monitoring. We may also suspend or terminate your use of FourSight Services pursuant to our Customer Terms of Service for violations of this FAUP.
We encourage recipients of email messages sent using the FourSight Service to report suspected violations of this FAUP to us by forwarding a copy of the received email with FULL headers to We have a policy to investigate all of these reports and to respond in the way we consider appropriate.
If you know of or suspect a violation of this FAUP, you will promptly notify us in writing of the known or suspected violation of this FAUP.
You agree not to:
Examples of prohibited actions include (without limitation) include hacking, spoofing, denial of service, mailbombing and/or sending any email that contains or transmits any virus or propagating worm(s), or any malware, whether spyware, adware or other such file or program.
These restrictions apply regardless of your intent and whether or not you act intentionally or unintentionally.
You will respect the limits that apply to your use the FourSight Service as specified in the Product and Services Catalog available at (the “Service Limits”). We may update or change these Service Limits by updating , so we encourage you to review this page periodically.
In addition, and without limiting the other requirements in this FAUP, you may not (directly or indirectly) use the FourSight Service with content, or in a manner that:
Organizations or individuals who promote, encourage, or facilitate hate speech, violence, discrimination, either through their own content or through distribution of user generated content, are prohibited from using the FourSight Service, regardless of whether the FourSight Service is used specifically for the prohibited activities. Violation of these standards may result in termination of your use of the FourSight Service.
You are responsible for moderating user generated content or user activity on your platform or service. User generated content that violates these standards may result in termination of your use of the FourSight Service.
We may immediately suspend your access to the FourSight Service if you breach this FAUP or don’t respond to us in a reasonable period after we’ve contacted you about a potential breach of this FAUP. We may also suspend your access as we explain in our Customer Terms of Service and, if you breach this FAUP, we may terminate your subscription agreement for cause. You acknowledge we may disclose information regarding your use of any FourSight Service to satisfy any law, regulation, government request, court order, subpoena or other legal process. If we make this type of required disclosure we will notify you, unless we are required to keep the disclosure confidential.
We are not obligated to, but may choose to, remove any prohibited materials and deny access to any person who violates this FAUP. We further reserve all other rights.
We may update and change any part or all of this FAUP. If we update or change this FAUP,we will let you know by posting the revised copy on our website. When we change this FAUP, the "Last Modified" date above will be updated to reflect the date of the most recent version. We encourage you to review this FAUP periodically.
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