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equal energy to
clarify + ideate + develop + implement

Integrators plug the gaps.

Integrators take an even-handed approach to the creative process with a profile that shows no particular peaks or valleys. Integrators’ energies stay rather steady. They clarify the challenge, ideate on possibilities, develop solutions and implement them. Their flexibility can make them good team players, adapting to people with different profiles and accommodating whatever the task requires. Integrators enjoy collaboration and may experience frustration when they sense that others are not as committed to the task. The challenge for Integrators is becoming too accommodating. They run the risk of losing their own voice and simply following others’ leads, particularly when others have strong preferences. They must remember to diagnose the situation for themselves and advocate for the most appropriate response. Note: Even the Integrator graph often has a distinct shape or “shadow profile.” Determine what your shadow profile is, and read that description as well.


The FourSight Thinking Profile is a scientific measure of thinking preference. FourSight has 15 possible thinking profiles. Each one contributes something vital to the problem Solving process.

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