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prefers to

Ideators think big.

Ideators love to play with ideas, explore perspectives and invent alternatives. They are dreamers for whom the world is full of possibilities. Ideators are global thinkers, comfortable making guesses, offering hypotheses, using intuition, seeing connections, and simply making things up. They fuel innovation with novelty, originality and aesthetic flare. Ideators are energetic, spontaneous, playful, curious, social, flexible, and adventurous. They are quick to challenge the status quo and don’t mind standing out from the crowd. They are open to change, attracted to novelty and adaptable in new situations. Ideators tend to have a wide set of interests. They like variety, autonomy, independence and improvisation, and they feel stifled in situations that are too structured, rule-bound or routine. Ideators’ curiosity and love of variety can make them prone to distraction, and their gift for global thinking can cause them to overlook details. When communicating, Ideators should know that their ideas might sound random, strange, even alarming to others; they should be prepared to color in their abstract ideas with more concrete details, facts and plans. Ideators should never let naysayers crush their creative spirit. Once they successfully harness their imaginations, they have the power to change the world.


The FourSight Thinking Profile is a scientific measure of thinking preference. FourSight has 15 possible thinking profiles. Each one contributes something vital to the problem Solving process.

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